TOGA-GSCAl1SO SmartLab Mate Al

A patented laboratory integrated management system, with built-in AloT EHS Platform monitors the operation status of products linked to the Smartlab Mate Al (a control tower that controls the AloT­based devices).

Performance and Safety

  • Reagents can be brought in and out in conjunction with the AIoT reagent cabinet.
  • AIoT Reagent cabinet door open feature
  • AIoT Control of Harmful Gases (automatically controlled when taking out and bringing in reagents)
  • AIoT Sensor System Monitors in Real-time concentration levels from various sensors
  • AIoT Fume Hood Sash Height Adjuster (automatically controlled when taking out and bringing in reagents)
  • LSPMS allows for managing consumables and other manufactured equipment
  • Facial Recognition Login
  • Immediate MSDS lookup when scanning reagents out (choose from text-to-speech or MSDS lookup
  • Record reagent usage and remaining amount by connecting to a compatible scale (scale-linked type)
    • LSPMS allows for monitoring each user activity which is important for research health and safety monitoring program
  • Reagent tracking function
    • Who, what, where, when, why, and how


SKU: TOGA-GSCAl1SO Category: